On my way over this week I picked up the in-flight magazine from Gulf Air and actually it was a good read. There was an article on Petra in Jordan, which only earlier in the week me and Caz had been discussing as a possible stop off for a holiday trip for later in the year, so I found that very interesting. Then there was an article about who really was The Queen of Sheba, which was also quite interesting. Finally there was a piece about some really odd looking, medieval burial mounds in Bahrain. I figured if I had time, I would try and locate them to see then for myself. So, on my final day there I had some time before I needed to be at the airport, so I drove to the general area where the article said there were (A'ali Village and Hamad Town). When you are on the main road there, it soon becomes very obvious where they are. There are basically either side of the highway marking out territory before the houses begin. I found them quite an awesome sight and really interesting. I believe, for the most part, they are taken for granted by the locals and they are not really well looked after - it says in the article that there has even been reports of youths quad biking over them. There are moves afoot with the heritage people to have them protected better and to promote them as a tourist site. If friends were going to go to Bahrain I would definitely say to go and have a look.
My pictures are below (sorry for the quality, they are from my phone) and also a link to the online version of the article in the mag.