Abu Dhabi Securities Market
This is not like any other stock exchange I have ever been in! (and I have been in a few) It has a very chilled vibe about the place, not the hustle and bustle you would expect. Guys just sitting around in big comfy leather armchairs drinking coffee - and trading $4Bn a day! I think the exchange is really the only legal gambling in UAE :-)
Red Flag Men
This is seen all over the UAE -a Red Flag Man at roadworks. He is a human warning light system - I guess because he is cheaper! So, basically he stands there all day waving (not very vigorously after anything more than 10 minutes) a red flag to warn drivers that there are roadworks, which is totally pointless because by the time you see the man you are already in the roadworks!
Blackberry meeting
This might be why the world is in such a crisis! I saw these guys having a breakfast meeting and everyone of them was on his Blackberry. Maybe if they tried talking to each other some business might get done!
All the currency exchanges are busy on a Friday in the UAE as expats are queuing to send home what little money they can.
I think not! Just managed to snap this as I drove by. A telecoms mast cunningly (not very) disguised as a palm tree.
Are you sure you have a job there, and are not just a tourist :P