I've been back from the UK over a week and this is really this first opportunity I've had to do a blog! It's just been manic since I got back. Coming back to over 400 emails and having to catch up on the activities of my missed week, plus a whole load of new stuff has proved a challenge this week. However, the backlog is now cleared and I can start to move forward again - if indeed I ever feel I am moving forward here under the mountain of stuff to do dealt with each week. Oh well, hey ho, head down and crack on I guess.
It was actually lovely going back to the UK for the first time in about 9 months. There are some British expat, UK haters over here who say "why on earth would you want to go back to the UK" or when you get back say "So I guess you saw all the reasons why you are over here?", but really I thought it was great. Aside from seeing our family and friends (which was really nice) - it was great to feel I was in a place that just felt normal. I enjoyed doing the most banal of things, like popping over the road in the freezing cold to go and get fish and chips from the chip shop, to enjoy lungs full of fresh air, to see green rolling hills and to be able to drive with other normal drivers and not fear for my life!
There are of course many things which are not so nice about the UK and yes, I do appreciate the UAE for these; benefit grabbing chavs wandering the streets midweek instead of working, dirty paths and streets and petrol prices! But, for me and Caz, it still definitely counts as home.
But, nonetheless, this is where we are for a while so best get back to making the most of it. Soon we will start our quest to find accommodation in the City, but it is still a bit soon for that. With having been away and then having the storms this week, the villa was filthy with sand, so I spent all day on Saturday cleaning and scrubbing the place, as I'm sure Caz would not have appreciated coming back to it. I was away in Dubai one night this week while the storms were blasting and one of the windows in the kitchen had blown open leaving the entire area covered in sand! Aaagghh! Still, the place looks a lot better now.
Well on with the grind. Caz will find out her shifts tomorrow, so we will see if we can do anything this weekend.....
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