Monday, February 9, 2009

Police - a waste of space

Despite a so called campaign to clamp down on dangerous drivers ,the Police continue to ignore speeding drivers and dangerous manoeuvres. I have seen people speeding straight past them (like below) driving too close to the car in front and even undertaking on the hard shoulder - right next to a police car, and....nothing!

Here's an example...

First of all you can see that I am doing about 150kmph (93mph). The limit is 120kmph, but everyone knows that the speed cameras are set at 160kmph. So, the car ahead of me in the same lane is a Highway Police car. You will see a white car come past me in the outer fast lane, probably doing c.170-180kmph (105-111mph). You can judge from the second shot of my speedo showing nearly 160. the Police car pulls into the inside, slow lane and just let's him speed off into oblivion! Bloody useless...

A lot of the problem is that none of the Police are local Emiratis, they are mainly Lebanese, Palestinian or Sudanese. In this society all other races are inferior and to a large extent the locals can do as they please without reproach. The police dare not accuse a local of doing something for fear that "they know someone" who will get them in trouble for something "they haven't done". I know of a British girl who was hit sideways on by a car that had gone through a red light. The driver of the other car was a local lady. The police were called. The case went to court eventually and the British girl was deemed to be at fault! Justice seems to depend on where you come from.

There was also a case of an American guy who was nearly run over as a pedestrian. I guess as a reflex action he flipped his finger at the driver. Maybe not nice, but in any other country not exactly a major crime. Anyway, the car pulled over and out came 4 young Emirati lads. They tried to bribe him by asking him for a fair amount of money to not tell the police. The American, naively, decided to call the police himself under the misapprehension that they would help him. But what happened? He is arrested and ends up in jail for 3 months for making a rude gesture!

Oh goes on (unless you die on the roads)

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